Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Cake Comes Later

Repost from incorrectly named blog, originally posted February 13, 2010

Life is good. Bacon for breakfast. Spaghetti for lunch. Tea and cupcakes for afters. And the cake comes later. We're having our annual baseball Spring Training party, which consists mostly of eating and laughing, both until we ache.

This year we'll have lemon cupcakes, frosted to look like baseballs, or Wally the Green Monster (we are Red Sox fans) and a chocolate chocolate chocolate cake. We've already eaten most of the cupcakes. The cake will be served with short-track speed-skating and the Marx Brothers. Anton Apolo Ohno and Harpo.

In amongst the meals and movies, cooking and cleaning up, we talk writing and painting, books and gardening, politics and wordplay. This morning we had a phone conversation with my daughter, about parasites and Pet-Finder. There's nothing too esoteric or odd for us.

Far-ranging interests keep a person's head clear, I think. How can life be dull, even in February, when everything catches me and makes me think, think, question, wonder? Any book I pick up, any music on the radio, any recipe in the file, sparks an adventure in my mind. I'm never bored. I can't be bored.

Now afternoon is winding toward time to fix supper. The sky has clouded over and dusk will come sooner than we want, but who can regret a day well-spent, even if it is a couple of days too short? There's a lot left to look forward to - supper and silliness. Then the evening's entertainment.

Yes, the cake comes later.

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